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Across two ceremonies, graduates celebrate their perseverance

约书亚Patriquin graduated from Weymouth High School four years ago, 他和他的家人都在家, sitting in the living room staring at the television.

Together they watched and waited for his name to scroll across the screen, announcing his accomplishment and that was the extent of his ceremony.

Things looked a lot different for the ladbrokes立博中文版 graduate this year as he crossed the commencement stage at Gillette Stadium to collect his degree in 健康科学. 而不是坐在家里的沙发上, he found himself standing in front of hundreds of family members and friends who cheered and celebrated the class of 2024.

“I’m definitely excited to be able to walk an actual stage to get my degree,” he said. “I know my mom is elated, she’s through the roof. I wouldn’t be surprised if she sets off fireworks.”

因为全球COVID大流行, 许多大约1,650 students earning bachelor’s degrees from BSU this year shared similar high school commencement experiences, and they agree being at Gillette to celebrate the moment was much more meaningful. 只有一个例外.

“Well, I’m actually a Bills fan,” joked 布伦南Gravanda, a 计算机科学 威尔伯拉罕大学的专业. “So, I’m conflicted, but it is nice to have it in the stadium. 我妈妈很激动. A lot about today isn’t just for us, but our families. They didn’t get a (high school) graduation either, so this is a big moment for them, too.”

总统 弗雷德里克·W. 克拉克小., '83, acknowledged the “once-in-a-lifetime trials” the class of 2024 faced during the pandemic. 他相信, 正因为如此, they are ready to face whatever challenges are placed in front of them.

Tori卡利什, a health science 主要 who spoke to morning graduates, also emphasized the unique obstacles the class faced.

尽管我们面临挑战, 今天我们都站在这里, resilient and ready to embrace the next chapter in our lives,”她说。. “I urge you to cultivate your resilience. Let it be your guiding light in times of darkness, 你的力量在我软弱的时候, 你在斗争时的盟友, and the beacon of hope that reminds you of your limitless potential.”

下午学生演讲嘉宾 Ilina蒙泰罗 对适应力了解很多. Ilina once questioned if she would ever attain a college diploma as she attempted suicide multiple times in high school. Now Ilina isn’t stopping with a bachelor’s degree. 她正在攻读硕士学位 社会工作 BSU的项目.

“This is a testament that anyone who struggles with any kind of mental health challenge, 不是由它定义的吗,她对同龄人说. “We are capable of achieving anything we put our minds to, 我发誓要坚持下去, even in the face of doubts and adversity.”

在早上的仪式上, Jay灰, president and CEO of the Massachusetts Competitive Partnership, identified one word that matters when it comes to building a career and having a great life.

“这个词就是关系,”他说. “The relationships you cultivate can open doors for unforeseen possibilities. It has always been relationships that opened doors for me.”

Travis Adkins, president and CEO of the U.S. 非洲发展基金会, compared students’ educational path to scaling a mountain, a climb where the BSU community fought for racial justice and supported people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+社区的成员, 退伍军人, first-generation students and every graduate crossing the stage.

“The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next,” Adkins told afternoon graduates. “May we all go forward together to believe in and strive for a world more inclusive, more equitable and more prosperous for all people.”

Ash and Adkins received honorary degrees while BSU recognized three alumni with distinguished service awards: 格洛丽亚斯坦顿, ’74, G’00, former principal of the Burnell Campus School and a founding member of the BSU Afro-American 校友 Association; and 格洛丽亚莫兰, 1969年,和 伊芙琳克, ’63, whose extensive volunteer service includes sewing dresses for young girls in Africa.

As she prepared to process onto the Gillette Stadium field, 心理学 主要 奈玛杰克逊 reflected on her family’s immigration to the U.S. 来自海地. While her parents never had the opportunity to earn a college degree, Naima now has law school in her sights.

“It feels really great,” Naima said of reaching this milestone as a first-generation student. “Graduation is a way for (my parents) to graduate, too.”

音乐 主要 泰勒命 of Brockton hopes to go to graduate school for classical guitar, an instrument he began playing at BSU.

“音乐 is something that reaches a lot deeper,” Taylor said. “It’s something anyone can enjoy but, for me, I really feel it can change the way I think. … It’s a really powerful tool, and I definitely learned that being at BSU.”

总统 Clark said he has faith in each and every graduate as they prepare for the next steps in their journey.

“你们是经过实战考验的,”他说. “We believe in you, long live the class of 2024.”

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